Kota Kinabalu’s wakid wonder

KOTA KINABALU: A building resembling a wakid, the basket that Sabah’s ethnic Kadazandusuns use to carry their agriculture produce for generations, has become the first certified green structure in the state. The RM16mil Sabah Art Gallery Conservation Centre in Luyang here has been accorded the silver classification from the Green Building Index Accreditation Panel. On hand to receive the honour from panel chairman Boon Che We was state Tourism Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun who said the building’s solar pho­­­­tovoltaic electricity generating system produced 5% of its power needs. “The building electricity demand would thus be 1mW less a year – saving 780 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being emitted during that period,” he said. Rainwater will also be harvested, thus saving up to 330,000 litres of potable water or 32% of the total annual consumption. Masidi said other energy-saving features in the building included the use of efficient LED lights with motion sensors that would automatically switch off should visitors walk away from paintings or any other exhibit there. “Automatic photo sensors have also been installed to integrate natural and artificial lighting systems to avoid unnecessary energy wastage.” Boon said the centre was among 70 structures in the country that had been accorded the green certification. Of these, 39 are new non-residential buildings, 25 residential ones and five structures that are green-retrofitted, one of which is the Prime Minister’s office. Boon said the panel had received applications for green certification from owners of a diverse range of properties, including government and corporate offices, hotels, shopping malls, factories, hospitals and airports. Source : New Straits Times

18 countries to take part in Sabah International Folklore Festival

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah International Folklore Festival (SIFF) 2012 will see 18 international cultural dance troupes showcasing their skills from July 8-17, said Sabah Assistant Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Bolkiah Ismail today.
He said seven of the troupes will be participating for the first time who are from Czech Republic, Finland, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Kuwait, Papua New Guinea and Nigeria.
"Sabah Head of State Tun Juhar Mahiruddin is expected to officiate the festival on July 13," he said at media conference on the festival here today.
Bolkiah also said 14 schools will be taking part in the Local Folkdance Competition where three schools are from Sarawak, Selangor and Pahang.
He said the local folkdance competition will be held on July 11-12 from 7pm at the Sabah Cultural Centre, with tickets priced at RM10 (adult) and RM5 (under 17 years old).
The international folkdance competition will be held on July 14-15 from 8pm at the Sabah Cultural Centre, with tickets priced at RM50 (premier class), RM30 (adults) and RM10 (under 17 years old), he said.
Bolkiah said the tickets can be obtained from the LKNS office in Kota Kinabalu and the Sabah Cultural Centre, Penampang. -- BERNAMA
Source : New Straits Times

ENSEARCH Sabah set to protect environment

KOTA KINABALU: The newly set up Environmental Management and Research Association Malaysia (ENSEARCH) Sabah branch will be organizing a tree planting programme, its protem chairperson Datuk Adeline Leong said. ENSEARCH Sabah will also be conducting training programs on air and water modeling, quality risk assessment and air pollution with the guidance of ENSEARCH KL, she added. Leong, at the launching of the ENSEARCH Sabah branch by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Ministry Tan Sri Joseph Kurup yesterday pointed out that the protection of the environment is something dear to the organization’s heart. “We all want to breathe clean air and drink. However we are confronted with the haze every year and our rivers are polluted with oil palm pollutant. This is intensified by global warming caused by too much carbon being released into the air. “The setting up of ENSEARCH Sabah branch is timely as we intend to bring public awareness to this mounting problem and in our own small way, help minimize the impact of human activity on the environment. “Planting trees and conducting training on environmental management are two ways we are starting off with,’ Leong added. Meanwhile ENSEARCH Malaysia President Abdul Aziz Long said that the Sabah branch is the first one outside Klang Valley. “Since its establishment, ENSEARCH has always sought to raise the standard of environmental professionals in Malaysia and to raise the level of environmental performance in the private sector. “At the same time we also believe in a consultative process with the public sector and civil society. Our vision is to make more Malaysians environmentally aware of their surrounding and committed to taking personal responsibility to manage and mitigate the impacts of their corporate, professional and daily living activities on the environment. “As a capacity building NGO in the environmental field, we would like to act as an enabler to Malaysian environmental professional’ growth,” he stressed. Source : Borneo Post

Kaamatan with a difference for 200

Kota Kinabalu: There was no Unduk Ngadau beauty pageant nor were there alcoholic beverages served but the spirit of Kaamatan was not lost on the 200 prisoners handpicked to partake in the festivity at the Central Prison in Kepayan, here, Tuesday. The festival held for the first time in the nation was endorsed and sponsored by the Malaysian Prison Department which provided RM2,000 for the purpose. It aimed at retaining the sense of pride towards one's own culture and to strengthen relationship between one another. Selected from 2,056 inmates, they took part in various activities such as sugandoi (singing) competition and football tournament. Due to good response, it would be an annual activity in the prison from now. Sabah Prisons Director Abdul Halim Ma-Hassan reminded them to be prepared for life outside the prison walls and start anew once they are out. "I hope the inmates will take advantage of all the programmes while they are here, be they physical training, academics, spiritual or moral courses so that when they get out of here, they will be able to use the skills they have learned to gain employment for their own good, their families, society and the nation," he said. Halim also said through programmes like these, inmates would have channels to showcase their talents and abilities, for example in sports events and the singing competitions. "This is more towards the emotional aspect of the individuals. We want them to have more self-confidence and have less stress. We also want them to be able to conduct themselves in a more positive way so it would be easier for them to learn the value of obedience to rules and regulations here." "Other than that, we also want them to focus their energies towards healthy activities so their minds won't wander," Abdul Halim said, after officiating a 'Jalinan Kasih' programme in conjunction with the Kaamatan. Halim he planned to create five or six cultural groups focusing on performing arts activities that would represent various ethnics in Sabah. "These groups can help the members to better themselves especially with their self-esteem. The desire to be selected into these groups would hopefully encourage inmates to work harder and to show better progress in their rehabilitation programs. This is ultimately for their own good," he said. One of the rehabilitation programmes is marching. Since all inmates are required to march everyday, there is a big problem in terms of providing marching boots for the inmates and it takes quite a big chunk of the prison budget every month. Halim hopes that Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) and other NGOs could assist the prison department to alleviate this problem. Meanwhile, MCPF representative Datuk Francis Yap said it is unfortunate that former inmates always found themselves difficult to gain employment due to their past. This led some of them to revert to crime. "MCPF will organise talks, forums or exhibition to change people's mentality regarding the stereotyping of former inmates and to encourage organisations to give them proper jobs so they can rebuild their lives," he said. Source : Daily Express

Folklore fest a global event

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah's annual Folklore Festival is gaining interest among the international community with 75 countries requesting to take part in the seventh series of the cultural dance event this year. However, due to financial constraints, the state could only accept 20 international dance troupes to be showcased at the festival here from July 8 to 17. State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said the state would have to shoulder high costs footing the bill for their accommodation, meals and transportation during their stay here. “That is why we limited the participation to 20 teams, thus making the event much more exclusive,” Masidi said, adding the selected teams were also the cream of the crop. Another disadvantage with having so many dance troupes was that the event would take more than two weeks to finish, he added. “We try to pick teams with unique presentations each year so the public can have a variety of new cultural dances to witness rather than just re-runs,” Masidi said. However, the number of participating teams could be increased in future especially when the Sabah Cultural Centre in Penampang near here is fully renovated to cater to international events, he said. Finland and Timor Leste are the two first-time participants at the Sabah International Folklore Festival (SIFF) 2012, which would also see cultural teams from Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Brunei, South Korea, Kuwait, Egypt, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Indonesia and Morocco. Masidi represented Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman to launch the SIFF2012 promotion campaign here and also unveiled the festival's mascot locally known as Siwat Dalam, a mythical creature that snatches children roaming the streets. Source : The Sun