School with seaweed dodol wins four gold awards

KOTA KINABALU: The newly concluded fifth Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Annual Research and Innovation Competition (PEREKA) has received a total of 337 entries, a significant increase from of 17 per cent as compared to the previous edition. The competing entries comprised 215 research and 122 innovations submitted by various schools, out of which about 30 were good enough to be given the Gold Award. The School of Food Science and Nutrition was the star of the show, having won four gold awards under the innovation category for their high potential and inventive products which include seaweed dodol and multi-purpose seaweed sauce. Deputy vice-chancellor (P&I) Professor Dr Mohd Harun Abdullah said the increase in participation reflected positively on the university’s continuous effort to make research and innovation a culture among lecturers and students, in line with its target to achieve research university status in the near future. “PEREKA is an annual event here at UMS that provides a platform for the university’s research community to showcase their work. Through this event, high impact researches and innovations can be identified and recognized,” he said at the closing of PEREKA 2012 yesterday. Introduced by the university’s Centre for Research and Innovation in 2008, PEREKA also serves as a venue for identifying the best research and inventions to represent UMS at various competitions locally and abroad. To ensure high standard evaluation, experts from outside UMS, both from academic and government institutions as well as from industries are invited as judges. Among the main objectives of the event is to foster and nurture culture of research, development and commercialisation. Source : Borneo Post

Help for film makers

Penampang: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman said the Government is willing to provide special assistance to local artistes and film makers if it sees fit. He hoped most of the local films would reflect the beauty and unity of the State to serve as an example to those who are bent on creating disharmony and chaos. "The State Government welcomes productions such as these, which should be created so that it could show the conditions of the people in Sabah," he said during the launching of the tele-movie Pangazou at the Monsopiad Cultural Village, Thursday. "Base it on our talents, uniqueness, culture in the State. Apart from that we could also show to everyone the best of our environment and the beauty of nature." He said the Government would encourage such effort and help ensure local talents will also achieve success and urged them to collaborate with film production companies and TV stations. "I hope more local creations will be produced into films or series to promote the variety of potentials and prospects of Sabah which needs more promotion," he said. Musa, meanwhile also invited producers and artistes in Malaysia to help develop Sabah's film industry. Earlier, Musa commended the launching of the tele-movie Pangazou, a 13-episode series adaptation of former Deputy Chief Minister, Tan Sri Herman Luping's book of the same title. The movie, which is set for filming next week, is a collaboration between WebTV and Manjafilms Sdn Bhd in association with Pangazou Films Production. Pangazou is set to be the biggest television production in Sabah's history. He said the tele-movie would provide the space and opportunity for local film makers to highlight the local potentials and talents. "For Sabah artistes, I hope they use this chance to gain more experience, exchange opinions and ideas, especially for their own success and the expansion of the local film industry," he said. He also commended the strength of the production combination of Luping, for being a cultural figure and producer of the Pangazou series and Dr Anwardi Jamil for his vast experience in the Malaysian film industry. Among present were Deputy State Speaker Datuk Johnny Mositun, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, Datuk Jamil Sulong, Datuk Rosnani Jamil and others. Source : Daily Express

10-year plan for forest reserve

Kota Kinabalu : The Sabah Forestry Department will formulate a 10-year forest management plan for the Gunung Rara forest reserve, located on Sabah's east coast. In a statement to announce the department's assuming the direct management of the 51,245ha reserve, the department said it was part of an effort to place the area under Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) based on the Natural Forest Management (NFM) regime. The first meeting of the project's management committee for the area, chaired by department director Datuk Sam Mannan, was held in Sandakan recently. "The management committee of the Gunung Rara SFM project will be headed by the department's deputy director (development) Fidelis Edwin Bajau, with Sabah Foundation as a key member in the committee. "This area is also part of the larger 261,264ha of United Nations Development Programme-Global Environment Facility (UNDP-GEF) project on 'Biodiversity Conservation in Multiple-Use Forest Landscapes in Sabah', and is a crucial wildlife corridor of global significance linking the world-renowned Danum Valley and the Maliau Basin Conservation Areas." The department added that appropriate forest management practices would be drawn up for the area to create a connectivity which was crucial for the viability of the wildlife corridor at the landscape level. Source : New Straits Times

Exposing Sabah youngsters to Broadway musicals

Kota Kinabalu: Michael Parks Masterson, star of the Broadway hit shows Phantom of the Opera and Les Miz, will be in town to conduct a 10-day musical workshop climaxing in a concert from May 26 to June 5. "All Broadway buffs know that Michael Parks is amazing and that this is a very rare opportunity to see a very famous and versatile actor, choreographer, stage director, dancer and vocalist all rolled into one superb entertainer we are bringing in to perform and train Sabahans," said Peter Chua, Executor Director of the rock school Musical Theatre. "Another dancer and vocalist will come to assist Michael who is renowned for his strong forte in musical production," Chua said. "This is essentially a youth programme. We are encouraging our youths to challenge them on stage, meaning after the 10-day workshop, we can showcase how talented these young people actually are, with a public Broadway Show here in Sabah of "guaranteed" worth, on June 5, at the new 2,500-capacity Tuaran Community Centre" he said. "We'll showcase and surprise the audience what talents Sabahans actually have through the concert, given the opportunity," he added. "We actually encourage youths, students, teachers and parents in numbers, to look at this very noble project," he said. "More so, school teachers, especially young school teachers must come and learn the quality elements of musical production because all schools organise year-end concerts," he noted. "I think this will be a tremendous benefit to the schools," he added. "But since St John's School Tuaran came to see us, we are now sponsoring 20-30 students of the school free-of-charge with the condition that the school take responsibility that the students they send in are serious and committed," he said. "We'll make sure nobody comes and go as they like as in the past when we gave people free training or free tickets," Chua said. "Fifty percent of the ticket sales for the Broadway Concert on June 5 will go to St John's Building Fund," he said. "I like to do it for the suburban areas because people in city areas like Kota Kinabalu have already a lot of benefits and opportunities that many of suburban teachers and youth don't have. For us, we want to bring musicals into the society of Sabah. I have the intention to bring a full Broadway musical production from West End, London which would cost RM1m but we must train Sabahans also. "This is a case where we test the market to see how it's going to work. We want to test and create the market at the same time but also encourage people who are interested, to form a musical theatre society in Sabah," he said. "This is actually all financed by us but being an entrepreneur, this is something we want to do - play our small part to build up art and music. "Some kids are not very good in studies but are very good in art but the surprise is the majority of those who are good in music and art do well in their studies," he asserted. "So, the whole objective is to cultivate musical scenes in our State and also to help the youths," he said. Among the sponsors and supporters include the American Voices, Sabah Tourism Board, Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sdn Bhd, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Daily Express. Tickets for the June 5 Broadway Show can be bought at Sabah Tourism Board (088-212121) or Sri Pelancongan (088-232121). Source : Daily Express

Prehistoric site discovered

KOTA KINABALU: A PALAEOLITHIC site believed to be  200,000 years old has been discovered in Keningau, 138km from here. Archaeologists claimed that the site in Kampung Lipasu in the sub-district of Bingkor could rival the Mansuli site in Lahad Datu, which is 235,000 years old. Universiti Sains Malaysia archaeology research team head Prof Dr Mokhtar Saidin said researchers, however, had not revealed the exact age of the site said to be a location for making Palaeolithic stone tools. Excavation began on May 9 and is expected to finish on May 29. The team, comprising researchers from the USM Global Archeological Research Centre and the Sabah Museum Department, has discovered several artefacts, including an anvil, core stone, hammer stone, chopper and flake tools. "We believe the Bingkor site could be older than the Mansuli site as there could be more layers beneath the present excavation site," said Mokhtar. He said this could be an interesting find because the archaeology community initially believed that human population began on the east coast of north Borneo. "The notion was the human population here lived in the coastal area but with the new finding, we can see that early human population began from inland." Sabah Museum director Joanna Kitingan said the latest discovery would put Keningau on the international map as far as Palaeolithics findings were concerned. She said the area could be turned into an archaeo-tourism site when it had been gazetted under the department. Source : New Straits Times