SUCCA aims to be bridge between govt, Chinese

Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah United Chinese Communities Association of Kota Kinabalu hopes act as a bridge between the government and the Chinese community to enable both parties to understand each other's needs. Newly appointed association President, John Lim said the association acknowledges the fact that there had been much assistance from the government to help improve the livelihood of the Chinese as well as in education and culture, yet cooperation from both parties is still needed. "Thus I hope our association can be the bridge between the government and the Chinese to help understand our needs, and disseminate correct information about government policies to the people, especially the Chinese community," he said. He said this after the installation ceremony of the 19th SUCCA committee here on Wednesday. In this respect, Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology, Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai who witnessed and officiated at the event reminded the Chinese community to face new challenges to proceed with their lives. "When our ancestors migrated from South East China, they gave priority to local associations such as Hakka Association, Hokkien, Hainan and other similar associations apart from forming clan associations in order to survive and improve their competitiveness. "Today, we must continue to unite and protect the careers and foundation we have built as well as that left by our ancestors, at the same time promote our culture to ensure that it never dies out," he said. Therefore, he hoped the association would be able to take these responsibilities and bring more welfare and benefit to the Chinese community. Meanwhile, members of the association also thanked Dr Yee for his support and contribution of RM20,000 for the setting up of the association's website, as well as for future activities. Also present were Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department, Datuk Edward Khoo, Kota Kinabalu Hokkien Association Chairman, Datuk Clement Yeh, Sabah United Guang Dong Association President, Datuk Jimmy Yong, Kota Kinabalu Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, Datuk Sari Nuar, Datuk Agnes Shim and Datuk Susan Wong. Source : Daily Express

MASwings’ Decision To Fly To Palawan Hailed As Gift For Kudat Folks

KOTA KINABALU, May 10 (Bernama) -- MASwings' announcement to fly to Puerto Princesa, Palawan in the southern Philippines by the end of October this year has been hailed by BIMP-EAGA Malaysia Business Council chairman Roselan Johar Mohamed as heaven's gift to the people of Sabah, particularly in Kudat. He said with greater connectivity, more trade can be achieved between Kudat in the northern part of Sabah and Palawan. Roselan said the business council of BIMP-EAGA (Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-the Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) is closely monitoring the Kudat situation and some announcement will be in the offing. "The much awaited trade mission from Palawan is coming in June to visit Kudat," he told Bernama here today. Yesterday, MASwings chief executive officer Datuk Captain Nawawi Awang announced that MASwings, a fully-owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines, would embark on its second phase of international route expansion by the end of October this year. Nawawi was quoted as saying that the new MASwings' international air service would cover the Kuching-Balikpapan (Indonesia) and Kota Kinabalu-Puerto Princesa routes. Roselan said further upgrading of the Customs Immigration Quarantine Security (CIQS) station in Kudat is being discussed "even though the present facility there is just enough for the moment." On MASwings' recent success after expanding their routes to Pontianak and Tarakan, Indonesia early this year, he said the high load factor achieved had compelled the airline to increase the original three Tawau-Tarakan flights a week to one flight daily with effect from July 1 this year. “This is very fast indeed and beyond our wildest imagination. This is a classic success story and we hope many others will emulate MASwings. "That is the beauty about BIMP-EAGA. The successive meetings we had throughout and over the years are all designed to make travel easier and cheaper. We are talking about 70 million people within the designated Bimp-Eaga region," he added. Roselan said travelling is very important because it provides high visibility and "our visitors come, they see and ultimately they will buy." "So money spent on travelling and other spending is very high and this keeps our economy moving. Our airports have been most accommodating and Miri (Sarawak) airport is currently being upgraded just for this purpose -- to welcome local, national and international visitors. Likewise, the Sabah government is upgrading the Tawau seaport passenger terminal and it is expected to be ready soon," he said. Roselan said the government truly values the economic importance of visiting neighbours and hopes this new upcoming facility will triple Tawau's retailing and merchandising business. "At the same time, we have to warn the local traders never to maximise profits. A small profit here and there will always welcome repeat customers-cum- travellers, and trade will continue to prosper. Gone are the days when we used to shun the economic migrants. Now we welcome all visitors and any well designed passenger terminal can easily filter the genuine or legitimate travellers with ease and effciency," he said. Source : Bernama

Sabah A Popular Destination For Tourists – Musa

RANAU, May 12 (Bernama) -- Sabah's tourism industry has achieved rapid growth and is a major contributor to the state's economy, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said Saturday. He said Sabah boasted world-class natural beauty and world heritage sites which had made the state a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. "The uniqueness of the culture and customs of the people of various ethnic groups is also growing to be an important asset," he said in his speech at the launch of the Ranau District Kaamatan Festival celebration at the Ranau community hall, here.  The text of his speech was read out by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai. Musa said Kaamatan Festival was a manifestation of the spirit of harmony and goodwill of the society despite subscribing to various religions and beliefs. He said the state government welcomed the holding of programmes that helped to strengthen the established tolerance and sense of belonging and build a caring Malaysian society. Source : Bernama

Ranau District Kaamatan Festival opening event

YB Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai performing a symbolic gesture during the opening event YB Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology representing Chief Minister of Sabah officiated the Ranau District Kaamatan Festival opening event held at the Ranau District Community Hall on May 12th, 2012. Seen in the photo, YB Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai made a symbolic opening gesture during the event which involves cutting a few of paddy stalks observed by Datuk Masidi Manjun, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment cum N30 Karanaan State Assemblyman,YB Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin, Minister of Rural Development cum N31 Paginatan State Assemblyman, YB Datuk Siringan Gubat,  Member of Parliament for P179 Ranau  and YB Dr Joachim Gunsalam, N29 Kundasang State Assemblymen. YB Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah dan Menteri Pembangunan Sumber dan Kemajuan Teknologi Maklumat mewakili Ketua Menteri Sabah merasmikan acara Pesta Kaamatan Peringkat Daerah Ranau bertempat di Dewan Masyarakat Daerah Ranau pada 12 Mei 2012. Kelihatan YB Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai melakukan simbolik perasmian acara iaitu memotong  beberapa batang padi sambil diperhatikan oleh YB Datuk Masidi Manjun, Menteri Pelancongan Kebudayaan dan Alam Sekitar merangkap ADUN N30 Karanaan, YB Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin, Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar merangkap ADUN N31 Paginatan,  YB Datuk Siringan Gubat, Ahli Parlimen P179 Ranau  dan YB Dr Joachim Gunsalam ADUN N29 Kundasang.