MASwings Set To Fly Kota Kinabalu-Palawan Route By End October

KOTA KINABALU, May 9 (Bernama) -- Buoyed by the successful first phase of its direct international flights to Tarakan and Pontianak in Indonesia and Brunei Darulsalam, MASwings will embark on its second phase of international route expansion by end of October this year. In announcing this, its chief executive officer Datuk Captain Nawawi Awang said the new MASwings' international air service would cover the routes of Kuching-Balikpapan (Indonesia), and Kota Kinabalu-Puerto Princesa, Palawan (Phillippines). MASwings, a fully owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines, plans to operate the routes three times a week. "We are still in the process of getting approval and clearance from the relevant authorities (in the Philippines), and if everything goes well, we are targetting to commence operations of the Kota Kinabalu-Puerto Princesa sector by end October. "This is going to be our first service on the Philippines' shore. We in MASwings hope to become a bridge, in terms of air connectivity, for the people within the BIMP-EAGA (The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-East Asean Growth Area) member countries," he told reporters here Wednesday. Source : Bernama

Have agricultural expos in all districts in Sabah – Musa

PUTATAN: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman wants agricultural expos to be held in all districts in Sabah as a platform to expose local farmers to the latest development in the sector. Such events, he said, could help in disseminating information on new findings that could be applied by the agriculture communities to improve their income and help retain the sector as one of the major economic earners for the state. Speaking at the launch of Putatan Agricultural Expo 2012 here yesterday, Musa said the agriculture sector had been identified as one of the major focuses under the state’s development Halatuju launched in 2003, alongside the tourism and manufacturing sectors. Apart from reducing dependency on imported food products, further development of this sector would also help improve the income of Sabahans, he said. “I believe the expo here today would benefit the target group and everyone involved … And I am confident that with the cooperation of all parties in this district, it will propel the growth of the agriculture and agro-based industry not only here locally but in the whole state, and make us a major food producer in the country. “This is why I must propose that the ministry (of agriculture and food industry) expands this event to other districts so that agricultural potential of each district can be fully developed and utilized,” he said. Musa stressed that it was the hope of the state government that farmers, breeders and fishermen communities across Sabah continue to improve themselves by incorporating new technologies into their operations. By doing so, he said they would be able to significantly improve their output and revenues and prove the old perception that agriculture is a low income industry for the poor, is wrong. “Agriculture could be a lucrative business if done right,” Musa asserted. Met after the launching, he said many agricultural development projects and programmes had been successfully implemented in Sabah and had greatly benefited farmers and local agro-based businesses. As such, Musa, who is also State Finance Minister, said he would request the federal government to provide more allocations to fund similar projects in the future. The state government, he added, would also implement more programmes aimed at encouraging more people to participate and benefit from the sector, and promote awareness that agriculture is a lucrative industry. “Improving the income of the farmers would translate to improvement of the overall economy of the state … we are on the right track to move forward,” he said. He also said the promising potential in agriculture, coupled with political stability and vast fertile land in Sabah had attracted major international players to come in and invest in the sector. Among the latest ones, he noted, was an American company which was looking to develop a multi-billion fruit planting project in Sabah. “Apart from the lobster project that I mentioned before this, there is also a US-based company who wants to come in. We are currently looking for a suitable site for the project and in discussions to find out which agency would be best to collaborate with them. “Many investors are coming to Sabah because they are convinced of the political stability we have. That is why we do not encourage street demonstration that could undermine this stability, this will not benefit anyone,” he said. Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister cum Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin in his welcoming remarks said the Integrated Agricultural Complex in Putatan could be developed into an attractive agro-tourism destination. He said the complex dubbed as the ‘Green Lung of Putatan’ could be packaged as a tourism product to attract both local and foreign visitors. “I was also made to understand that this five-hectare complex will be developed as a permanent food production park that will lead in intensive high-tech farming. This project represents an opportunity for the local community in Putatan to venture into this field and become agro entrepreneurs,” he added. Source : Borneo Post

5,000 guests from worldwide to attend temple festival in Ranau

KOTA KINABALU: The Wah San Chon Chu Kong temple in Ranau will play host to about 5,000 guests from worldwide who are expected to attend the fourth Malaysia Tuah Peh Kong festival this weekend. It will be the first time that the festival to be held from May 11 to 13, is hosted by a temple in Sabah. The previous hosts were Bintulu, followed by Sibu and later Kuching. The long line of guests will include senior officials, representatives and devotees of the Tuah Peh Kong deity in Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia with some 68 affiliated Taoist temples from Sarawak and 10 from Peninsular Malaysia are expected to take part in the celebration. Organising chairman Datuk Chua Khen Siong explained that the main objective of the celebration is to promote better understanding of the Tua Peh Kong deity, his benevolent attributes and contributions to the Chinese community. Chua said the actual celebration will be on May 12, starting from 8am till 6pm, with a host of interesting programmes lined up to mark the celebration. This includes a spectacular procession by the various affiliated temples, a car float procession comprising of Volkswagon cars and various other types of four-wheel-drive vehicles starting at 6pm. The programmes will kick start with an assembly of the participants and guests at the premises of the temple, at 8am, to be followed by an elaborated mass prayer ceremony headed by Datuk Seri Panglima Sari Nuar Tan, the president of the Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah (FCAS). Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai is expected to grace the occasion on behalf of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman. A welcoming dinner will be held on the evening of May 11. “Most of the guests will put up in Kundasang and Ranau,” said Chua, who is also the chairman of the Wah San Chon Chu Kong temple and expressed his appreciation to the State government and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment for the support and generosity to partially sponsor the expenses incurred for the celebration. Chua also urged tour operators in the State to bring their guests to the temple, to observe and to experience the unique Malaysian Taoist culture and celebration. The worship of the Tua Pek Kong in Southeast Asia is a unique culture of the Chinese community. Tuah Peh Kong which literally means “Grand Uncle” in the Hokkien dialect is one of the pantheons of the Taoist deities. It was believed that Tuah Peh Kong first arrived in Malaysia in Penang some 40 years before Captain Francis Light in 1746. The Tuah Peh Kong was a man named Zhang Li from the Hakka clan and his Sumatra-bound boat was blown away by the wind and accidentally landed on Penang island which at that time was inhabited by 50 people. After his death, the local people began worshipping him and built the Tuah Peh Kong temple there and today Tuah Peh Kong is worshipped by Malaysian Chinese throughout the country. Tuah Peh Kong is often mistaken for Tu Di Gong, partially because of their physical similarities. Meanwhile, the Wah San Chon Chu Kong temple is also a popular tourist destination, especially famous for its ‘holy spring water’ and it is commonly held by the local community that the consumption of the natural spring water obtained from a source 108-feet deep in the vicinity of the temple, could help treat many illnesses. Many also believe that bathing with the water could get rid of bad luck. Source : Borneo Post

9 chefs face off in soup contest

KOTA KINABALU: NINE chefs took part in the Imperial Gourmet Soup Challenge yesterday to produce soups comparable to the famous shark's fin soup. The variety of soups were composed using ingredients such as abalone, lobster, pumpkin, herbs and shark's fin melon, among others. Chef Alex Zee Kwong Yau of Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort (STAR) caught the judges' attention with his braised shark's fin melon, lobster, abalone in superior chicken soup delicacy. "The shark's fin melon is actually a vegetable. It gets its name from the way its filling breaks when cooked, much like that of a real shark's fin. Most of the time, people get confused." Alex, who has been a chef for nine years, admitted he had tasted shark's fin soup, but stopped consuming it three years ago. Based on experience, he described shark's fin as "tasteless" and not worth the price, adding that he also served the soup when he worked in a seafood restaurant before working with STAR. "Now, I am making healthy food and soup that are free from shark's fin. "I try to come up with a variety of soups to meet customers' satisfaction, especially during wedding functions." Chief judge Datuk Kok Wee Keat, who is former trade and industry minister and former MCA vice-president, presented the prizes and certificates to winners and participants. Malaysian singer Fauziah Latiff was also invited as a guest judge. Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort grabbed the second place with its cinnamon-flavoured broth, mushroom salad and crab custard, while Magellan Sutera Habour took the third place with its braised dried and fresh scallop soup with spinach and pumpkin. Present were Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun and City Hall director-general Datuk Yeo Boon Hai. The cooking contest, organised by Junior Chamber International Tanjung Aru, was aimed at creating an alternative gourmet soup recipe to shark's fin soup. Earlier, Masidi said the activity was part of a shark protection campaign and not against people who consumed shark's fin soup. "We should protect the sharks because in the tourism and diving industry, sharks contribute to the people and state economy. "The diving industry generated almost RM2 million. Many divers come to Sabah to see the sharks and we gain so much from diving because we still have sharks here. "It is not just about saving the sharks. We want to create economic opportunities and jobs for future Sabah generation." Source : New Straits Times

The opening event of the Seminar Kebangsaan Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa

Datuk Masidi Manjun together with the seminar participants YB Datuk Masidi Manjun who is also the Sabah State Education Exco officiated the opening event of the Seminar Kebangsaan Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on the May 8th , 2012 at the Grand Ballroom One Borneo, Kota Kinabalu. Seen in the photo, YB Datuk Masidi Manjun together with the seminar participants. YB Datuk Masidi Manjun merangkap Exco Pelajaran Negeri Sabah merasmikan acara Seminar Kebangsaan Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa anjuran  Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) pada 8 Mei 2012 bertempat di Grand Ballroom One Borneo, Kota Kinabalu. Kelihatan dalam gambar, YB Datuk Masidi Manjun bergambar bersama-sama dengan peserta seminar tersebut.