Artistes appeal for a Sabah-based TV channel

Many artistes in the State believe that a Sabah-based TV channel will be the best platform to nurture singing talents among Sabahans. Representatives of Sabah local artists, Janrywine J.Lusin and Jimmy Palikat in a joint press conference yesterday, shared their concerns and support for a proper TV channel that Sabahans can watch and listen, as an option to the entertainment industry in Malaysia.   “My latest single ‘Macam di KK’ has been uploaded to the Internet through YouTube, but it has created several negative comments among fans throughout the country. Most of them love the song, but those who do not like it especially those from the peninsula expressed their negative comments that offended Sabahans.   “I am very open minded. It is normal if people don’t like my song because it might not be close to their heart, but in this case the song has become a tool for some fans to create unwelcome critics. I don’t want this to get worse,” said Janrywine at the press conference held at D Junction Lido, here yesterday.   He said simple comments in the Internet, especially racist comments have no place in a multi-racial country such as Malaysia.   Janrywine said such a situation is one example why Sabah should have its own TV channel immediately as a platform to expose the singing talents of Sabahans and not just to upload it to the Internet because entertainment in Sabah deserves to be watched.   Lusin said Sabah music and film will be more appreciated by Malaysians if the watch them on TV.   Meanwhile, Jimmy who is famous for his song ‘Tanak Kampung’ which has been translated into Kelantanese, Bidayuh or even adopted into a Rock version by one of bands in Peninsular Malaysia, said it is not fair to treat Sabahans as a stepchild in the Malaysia music industry, especially when they are as equally talented as music players in the peninsula.   Palikat said his single ‘Tanak Kampung’ took more than one year to reach out to the whole country because there is no platform to promote, unlike songs from the peninsula that could easily be promoted on TV and national radio because most channels are peninsula-based.   “There is an urgent need for our own TV channel. We have the demand, we even have the market and talent. The current TVi channel on channel 108 in Astro that is supposed to be promoting Sabah is not enough because our slots are only for a few hours.   “Sabah-based TV channel will help not only the musicians but also film makers and politicians to highlight their talent and struggle to the Sabahans,” he said.   He stressed that Sabah and Sarawak could combine in the effort to promote the variety in its language, culture, tourism attraction or even calling for support from many potential advertisers.   Palikat’s statement was echoed by one of Sabahan singers, Rozza Rothman who lauded the move by Palikat and Lusin to hand over a memorandum to the Local Artistes’ Association of Sabah (Pertisa) on the proposal for a Sabah-based TV channel.   Rozza said she would support any suggestion made by local artistes to uplift the singing industry in Sabah as long as it is channeled to the right audience and in a proper way.   Pertisa deputy president, Narsisius Justin Misin who attended the press conference welcomed the joint effort by Lusin and Palikat and that they should be supported by the other artistes in Sabah because having a Sabah-based TV channel will be something that is interesting and meaningful.   “I look at this effort as a positive move by them as we are already on par with the other talents in the peninsula.   “We only need the right platform to show what we have in Sabah. We have many interesting performers and stories from Sabah that will attract many investors,” said Misin who is waiting for the memorandum to be handed over to the association.   Sabahan film director, P. Dik Ganai (Fdam) said Sabah and Sarawak film makers should be treated equally by TV stations based in the peninsula.   He said many TV channels are treating Sabah and Sarawak as their option in the film and music industry due to the long geographical distance.   “This is why this proposal is very important because we want Sabah-based TV channel that is managed by our own people. This is the time for the government to help us by giving us the green light.   “If certain people question our talent and quality, they haven’t discovered our talent to the maximum yet because our problem is we do not have any proper channel to showcase our talent to the people. TV channel will be the only way to help us,” he added.   DJ Othoe, a former DJ in a national radio station, said he had experienced many negative responses from many Sabahans who did not believe in what Sabahans can offer.   “I have been on air for two years in the national radio station with my Sabah dialect. Many people called me crazy at that time but I never gave up. I saw the potential and I want to be the medium for Sabahan singers to show their talent.   “After being called crazy along the way in my career, now we all witness that not only my former radio station but many other radio stations have set up Sabah-based radio stations that are now competing against one another,” he said.   DJ Othoe believes that Sabah-based TV channel will be able to showcase the whole of Sabah, as another interesting development in the country’s broadcasting industry.   He said the government should play its role to be a part of the proposal as TV channel will also help the policy makers to spread the government’s messages to the people.   Source: Borneo Post (by Mariah Doksil)

Fallen heroes remembered in sombre ceremony

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai attended a memorial service at the Petagas War Memorial here in remembrance of the 176 Sabahan guerrillas that lost their lives defending Sabah against the Japanese occupation in the Second World War.   The ceremony takes place on Jan 21 every year. Yee, representing Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, also performed the wreath-laying ceremony.   Prior to that, the attendees observed a 20-minute silence. The ceremony ended with the sounding of the Last Post and Rouse.   The memorial was built on the very spot where the 176 guerrillas were massacred.   Among the crowd was war survivor, Lee Min, 91, from Menggatal. His eldest son, Lee Yaw Koo, 61, said his father would make it a point to pay homage to his fallen comrades each year despite his health conditions.   Meanwhile, Datuk Fung Khyam Shen, 82, from Singapore, whose elder brother Fung Khung Shen was among those killed in the massacre, said the sacrifices of the fallen guerrillas should be remembered and appreciated.   “Khung Shen was one of the first to be killed by the Japanese with seven others.   “I can forgive them but I just can’t forget…I still feel bitter and my family is very sad about the tragedy,” said Fung who lived in Sabah, then known as North Borneo, during the war.   Source: New Sabah Times

Environment to become fourth strategic pillar for BIMP-EAGA

The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-the Philippines – East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) ministers have adopted environment management as one of the strategic pillars for sub-regional cooperation in lieu of the global issues on climate change. “The Philippines successfully pushed for the inclusion of environment as a new strategic pillar in addition to the three major pillars of the sub-region,” said the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) Chairperson Luwalhati, Antonino in a statement, here yesterday.   The other three strategic pillars of BIMP-EAGA are food basket/food security, ecotourism, and enhancing connectivity.   Antonino, who also serves as the Philippines Signing Minister for BIMP-EAGA, further stated that the new environment pillar will significantly lay the foundation for food security and ecological integrity in the sub-region.   The Working Group on Forestry and Environment had recently crafted a list of possible projects under this strategic pillar.   An exploratory study on establishing a carbon trading bank for BIMP-EAGA countries, to be led by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in partnership with MinDA, was also proposed.   Other proposed projects include the setting up of a coordinating link between the major environment working group in BIMP-EAGA, such as the Heart of Borneo, Coral Triangle Initiative, and Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion.   Brunei Darussalam will also lead an integrated coastal resources management and development training workshop.   “We are advancing the country’s environmental priority programs and projects for Mindanao through our watershed management program or the MindanaNOW (Nurturing our Waters), which we intend to expand across the sub-region,” Antonino said.   MindaNOW is MinDA’s flagship environmental undertaking that pushes for the adoption of river basin and watershed as key platforms for planning. It seeks to provide an enabling mechanism for achieving environmental integrity and sustainable economic development.   Meanwhile, the Philippines will host the first BIMP-EAGA Equator Asia Air Access Forum and Airlines CEO Summit, spearheaded by the Department of Tourism (DOT), Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), and MinDA.   This activity slated for the first quarter, aims to gather top transport and tourism officials from the sub-regions, to look at the market potential of each identified travel points.   The Philippines identified Davao, Zamboanga, and Puerto Princesa as priority travel points for air services, while Zamboanga-Muara (Brunei), Brooke’s Point-Labuan (Malaysia)-Muara and Davao/GenSan-Bitung were identified for the sea linkages.   Source: New Sabah Times

Sembulan River beautification project progressing well

The RM45 million project to beautify the Sembulan River in the state capital is progressing well despite minor delay in the first of the three-part parcels. The delayed phase one costing RM24 million was currently at 90 per cent completion as of December 31 with the contractor expecting to fully complete and hand over the project to the City Hall by March or earlier.   The main contractor, Architect Shim Sie Hong, said all building works, comprising two power substations, three cover bin centres, police kios, two ticketing booths and other public amenities, were all fully completed.   “Only a few floor lights and special LED lighting and the boardwalk steps are currently in progress. All lighting installations will be completed by the end of January and the testing and commissioning will be carried out the following month,” he said.   He added the landscaping works were also 90 per cent completed while the riverside boardwalk paving, timber deck and road paver were almost fully completed.   The phase one was initially scheduled for completion on November 17 last year but extension was granted due to traffic and business operation on site and unforeseen underground infrastructure.   Meanwhile, Mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir who visited the project site yesterday, said he was happy with the current progress and the second and third parts were expected to be called for tenders between April and May.   The whole project is scheduled for completion early next year.   Abidin said the City Hall was also studying options for treating the smelly river water and had proposed relocation schemes for the villagers along the river.   The relocation has yet to be finalised but some of the families have agreed to move, he said.   Source: Borneo Post

Sabah ethnic game to be shot into TV show

Pentas Wayang Production which produced a television drama series, Kopi O, will now be producing an entertainment game show called ‘Siok Bah’. Shooting will begin on January 17. Its executive producer, Jamawi Jaafar, yesterday said the game show is an ethnic game found in the state.   “However, participation is limited to youths from Tenom and Keningau only,” he told The Borneo Post here.   Jamawi, who is also Asiarasa Entertainment managing director, said this TV programme has 13 episodes where each episode has three groups competing and there are three people in each group.   He said the programme is directed by popular director, T.S. Jeffrey and Alex Raja Lawak and will broadcast on RTM TV2.   He said filming locations would be held at the Sabah Murut Cultural Centre in Pulong, Tenom, and shooting will be done during the day.   “The ethnic game consists of de-husking coconuts, banana eating, magunatip, lansaran and other folk games available in the state.”   Jamawi said among the purpose of this game show is to promote the interior areas, especially Tenom as a tourist destination in the state.   Interested youths can contact production manager Karim Ghullam at 0198603721.   He said each series will take 30 minutes and the public are encouraged to attend and support the competing groups.   Meanwhile, Jamawi advised participants of the game show programme to attend a briefing at the Sabah Murut Cultural Centre, Kampung Pulong, Tenom, on January 17.   “Briefing will commence at 8.30am before the shooting starts. All participants are also required to wear track pants and shoes while shirts for the programme will be provided by the producer.   After the briefing, shooting for several episodes will be initiated for participants who are ready for the day,” he said.   Source: Borneo Post (by Johan Aziz)