Sabah Wildlife Conservation Colloquium

Sabah Wildlife Conservation Colloquium YB Datuk Masidi Manjun attends the launch of the Sabah Wildlife Conservation Colloquium, officiated by YB Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, Malaysian Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, on 9th January 2012 at Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu. Seen here is the Minister taking a moment for the camera after the launching ceremony.

YB Datuk Masidi Manjun menghadiri Majlis Perasmian 'Sabah Wildlife Conservation Colloquium' yang telah dirasmikan oleh YB Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi Malaysia pada 9 Januari 2012 bertempat di Le Meridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. Kelihatan di sini YB Datuk Masidi mengambil gambar kenangan selepas acara perasmian tersebut selesai.


Visits one of the Ranau villages on the 26th and 27th of December, 2011

YB Datuk Masidi Manjun, who is also the State Assemblyman for N30 Karanaan, visits one of the Ranau villages on the 26th and 27th of December, 2011 during the Christmas celebration. YB Datuk Masidi Manjun merangkap ADUN N30 Karanaan membuat lawatan ke kampung di Ranau pada 26 dan 27 Disember 2011 bersempena dengan perayaan Krismas.