Datuk Masidi Manjun was listening to the briefing about the promotion of 22nd edition of Malaysia Film Festival 2009, which will be held in Kota Kinabalu in 5-8 August. The briefing was delivered by Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, the Mayor of Kota Kinabalu
Datuk Masidi Manjun was listening to the briefing about the promotion of 22nd edition of Malaysia Film Festival 2009, which will be held in Kota Kinabalu in 5-8 August. The briefing was delivered by Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, the Mayor of Kota Kinabalu city, in Ministry's office at Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, Karamunsing, Kota Kinabalu, on 15th May 2009. Kota Kinabalu City Hall is given the the mandate to adopt the festival.Datuk Masidi Manjun mendengar taklimat berhubung dengan penganjuran Edisi Ke-22 Festival Filem Malaysia 2009 yang akan dilangsungkan di Kota Kinabalu pada 5-8 Ogos depan, di pejabat kementerian di Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, Karamunsing, Kota Kinabalu, pada pagi 15 Mei 2009. Taklimat tersebut disampaikan oleh Datuk Bandar Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim. Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (DBKK) diberi mandat sebagai penyelaras festival tersebut.