Datuk Masidi Manjun with delegates from Sabah in Korea
17 Mar 2010: Datuk Masidi Manjun together with delegates from Sabah and Korean representatives in Seoul, Korea after a meeting with Asiana Airlines, Korea.
17 Mac 2010: Datuk Masidi bersama delegasi dari Sabah dan perwakilan dari Korea di Seoul, Korea selepas perjumpaan bersama Asiana Airlines, Korea.18 Mar 2010: Datuk Masidi Manjun with delegates from Sabah and Korean representatives in Seoul, Korea after a meeting with 1 Tour Wholesale Agent, Hanatour Service Inc., Korea.
18 Mac 2010: Datuk Masidi Manjun bersama delegasi dari Sabah dan perwakilan dari Korea di Seoul, Korea selepas perjumpaan bersama ejen 1 Tour Wholesale, Hanatour Service Inc., Korea.