Local authorities urged to highlight uniqueness of their areas

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman wants local authorities to identify and highlight the potential and uniqueness of their respective districts at the international level.

“This includes historical aspects of a place, the uniqueness of ethnicities and sub-ethnic groups, various cultures, potential for tourism and other efforts and programmes which can generate income, strengthen cooperation and unity,” he said at the 2012 Tawau International Cultural Festival.

In his speech, which was read out by Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin here last night, he commended the commitment of local authorities for an event which showcased the culture of 26 ethnicities in Tawau, including food, dance, traditional costumes and wedding customs.

“This festival is a good medium to foster ties between leaders and the community to uphold our cultural heritage, unite and strengthen understanding as well as respect among our community of various races, religion and cultures,” he said.

Musa said that in the regional context, the festival’s theme ‘Kebudayaan Untuk Kedamaian Serantau’ (Culture for Regional Peace), also played a big role in reviving the spirit of goodwill and togetherness among neighbouring countries.

Source: Bernama

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