North Borneo Sacred Legacy Photographic Exhibition
YB Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun officiated the North Borneo Sacred Legacy Photographic Exhibition, The Robert Knowles Collection which was held in the Sabah State Museum on the 18th of February 2014. Mr. Robert Knowles was the Regional Controller of Trade and Customs of the North Borneo Chartered Company.
YB Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun telah merasmikan acara ‘North Borneo Sacred Legacy Photographic Exhibition The Robert Knowles Collection’ yang telah diadakan di Muzium Sabah pada 18 Februari 2014. Mr Robert Knowles merupakan mantan Penguasa Wilayah Kastam dan Eksais Syarikat Berpiagam Borneo Utara British.