There’s money in homestays

Village youths should take the opportunity to make money by organising tourism activities such as the homestay programme, said Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen. She said foreign tourists love learning more about our life and culture, and the youths should learn to make money by tailoring tourism activities and programmes for them.

“Globally, Malaysia is the ninth most popular country to visit and the most popular Malaysian tourism product is the homestay programme,” she added.

“People who manage homestay programmes have been able to earn a good income and the activity has helped to generate more economic activities for the locals.

“Malaysians, especially youths, should learn to be creative in organising similar programmes,” she said after visiting the Kampung Gali Hilir homestay here yesterday.

Dr Ng urged villagers to maintain the uniqueness of their traditional homes and village atmosphere.

“Tourists are not looking for luxury hotels. They want to enjoy fishing, rubber-tapping and other daily local activities.

“This is where our youths can become village tour guides,” she added.

She also said the ministry would provide guidance to local cycling and superbiker clubs and help them organise tourism programmes since such activities were gaining in popularity.

Dr Ng added that her ministry planned to transform Raub into a tourism hub under the ministry’s District Integrated Tourism Develop­ment Programme.

She added that more promotions should be organised for the town, where Fraser’s Hill, Jeram Besu, the Lata Jarum waterfall and many durian orchards are located.

Source: The Star

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